Friday, August 15, 2014

Great Zimbabwe Ruinas

Hi All

What an amazing morning, we visited the great Zimbabwe ruins and walked all the way to the top, it nearly killed me. Rellie wasn't faring to well either. It was really high, but amazing, really wonderful, we both loved it. Our guide was so informative and told us all about the history, even to the king having to sleep with his sister to prove he was strong enough to rule.

Narelle climbing some of the way up to the Kings fortress

The senior wife of the king taught all of the young girls how to please men sexually and then the king took his pick and his ambassadors go the rest. The last king has 200 wives. They found lots of stone didlo's, all different sizes, in the hut that was used by the first wife and the girls, it was very enlightening..... Men were definitely the master race in that group.
Outside of the kings fortress

The place was really interesting, the brick work was amazing, all of the walls were made with no mortar at all. They had amazing skill.
part of the inside of the kings fortress

Inside of the lower compound where the kings 200 wives lived. They would have to climb the mountain gto him when required, except for the first wife. The king would descend to her.
We had breakfast at the Great Zimbabwe and then headed off, we spent most of the day driving. and arrived at our next accommodation later that day

Cheers for now


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