Friday, August 15, 2014

More Zimbabwe

We travelled most of the day, arriving at our next accommodation at about 5:30. It is some nice cottages, there are a couple of zebras walking about the grounds and I am told there are some Warthogs and a leopard here too. Fortunately we have an en-suite and don’t have to go out in the might to the bathroom, I am not messing with a leopard.

We have had a stir fry for tea and it is now freezing, my first cold night in Africa. I have retired to our cottage and left them at it. Half of the group have come down with illness and I don’t want to get sick.
Tomorrow we go on another game drive. I cannot believe we will be lucky enough to see as many animals as we have been seeing so far, but fingers crossed.

I will add a couple of pictures and some videos for you to see. I hope the videos are not too far back. Digital cameras push everything further back than it is, it is very annoying.

A bit of an elephant. i am not sure if this will work

A lovely view

I hope to get wi-fi tomorrow.



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